What's New with Us April 2015?!
It's been a while since our last update and so much has happened, so here's the last six months in a snapshot!
We had quite a busy Summer with sales of Toe Rings and Anklets higher than ever and our Christmas trade from October to December was crazy busy with sales of Kids Jewellery and Marcasite Jewellery soaring! These few months are always spent chasing our tails and nothing much goes on except keeping up with the orders and sending out customer newsletters. It was a lovely Christmas period last year without any major glitches! Nothing went missing and everything arrived on time; Thank you Royal Mail!! Makes a refreshing change!
January was quieter than normal, but we had a great Valentines Day sale and lots of lovely gifts went out to lots of lovely girls and guys (from lots of lovely significant others!!). Hope you all liked your surprise gifts! Throughout March and April, we've been giving the website a bit of an overhaul and we're preparing for some exciting new departments! The major one will be a new costume jewellery collection called Stardust & Dreams and a mini Art Gallery; more on both of these additions soon! We'll also be expanding our Handmade Card Collection and adding to our Handmade Jewellery department, my sister Kristina had her little boy Jacob in November ( he's gorgeous!) so she's now ready to start designing some lovely new handmade stuff, in between changing nappies! So lots of work to do and lots of new projects to keep us busy!! "Whistle while you work" is now playing in my head!... Anyway that's all for now folks and I promise I'll keep our updates a bit more regular over the coming months!
Niki xx